Senior Back End Developer

Delft Vast € 3000 - € 5000 per Maand


With our software, we offer the complete solution for asset management of packaging throughout the supply chain. Worldwide. Our customers are mainly in logistics, which is a real no-nonsense business where it is hard work in a very dynamic and international environment. On the other hand, the culture has traditionally been quite conservative. However, that is rapidly changing and the business is increasingly looking at innovative solutions. This is where Bexter is making its contribution with TrackOnline. TrackOnline is the packaging registration platform in the cloud. Packaging represents substantial value for many logistics companies and is not just a closing item. And if they know exactly where their packaging is and when it can be returned or forwarded to the next customer, they can make or save a lot of money. It’s just how you look at it. It’s not for nothing that a lot of private equity is getting into this business. We are growing fast, also internationally, and in order to maintain our lead in the market, we are looking for committed and enthusiastic professionals who want to contribute to this.


You love to work on unusual, out-of-the-ordinary solutions, for example in the complex international world of logistics! With your knowledge and skills, you’ll help us make TrackOnline, the cloud platform for registering and tracking packaging, even better. TrackOnline is a multi-device solution that provides flexible insight into where packaging stands and goes. Whether it is carts, plates, barrels, plastic pallets or shipping containers. By attaching IoT tags to packaging, it can be tracked using, for example, RFID or (GeoFenced) GPS.

Bexter is a thought leader in this market and wants to maintain and strengthen its position. As a Back End Developer, you can make your contribution to this.

What do you get a kick out of?
Programming! And especially that you get to think with us. You would like to contribute and especially enjoy working on one software solution, ours and that is TrackOnline. To continuously improve our solution and make it suitable for clients all over the world. With lots of possibilities from the front-end, making it your job as Back End Developer to work with the Front-enders to build the ultimate user experience. Whether they open TrackOnline from their phone, tablet or laptop. You know how to unlock all the data. On the one hand, you like versatility, because we work with very diverse parties and packaging products. With just as diverse challenges in which we want to facilitate them. On the other hand, you will really be working in a niche, because there are very few parties who do what we can do, or vice versa. That in turn makes you and your work very specialized.


Waar krijg jij een kick van?

Programmeren! En vooral dat jij mee mag denken. Jij wilt graag je steentje bijdragen en vind het vooral leuk om te werken aan één softwareoplossing, die van ons en dat is TrackOnline. Om onze oplossing continue te verbeteren en geschikt te maken voor klanten all over the world. Met heel veel mogelijkheden vanaf de front-end, waardoor het voor jou als Back End Developer de kunst is om samen met de Front-enders het ultieme gebruikersgemak te bouwen. Of ze TrackOnline nu openen vanaf hun telefoon, tablet of laptop. Jij weet alle data te ontsluiten. Aan de ene kant hou jij van veelzijdigheid, want we werken met hele diverse partijen en emballageproducten. Met daarmee net zulke diverse uitdagingen waarin wij ze willen faciliteren. Aan de andere kant kom jij echt in een niche te werken, want er zijn maar heel weinig partijen die doen wat wij kunnen, of andersom. Dat maakt jou en jouw werk weer heel specialistisch.


  • Een baan bij Bexter! De thought leader in de logistiek op het gebied van emballage software.  
  • Een functie met veel vrijheid en zelfstandigheid en een goed salaris. We werken momenteel veel vanuit huis, maar onze collega’s komen ook graag naar kantoor.

Solliciteren op deze functie?

Meer weten over onze organisatie en deze functie? Neem contact op met Amy van der Hulst via 06-57676978 of mail naar Ik vertel je graag alle details. Direct solliciteren? Dat kan natuurlijk ook, via onderstaande link.




€ 3000 - € 5000 per Maand
5 september 2023
32 - 40 uur p/week


Denise van der Hee

Solliciteren op deze functie?

Meer weten over onze organisatie en deze functie? Neem contact op met Amy van der Hulst via 06-57676978 of mail naar Ik vertel je graag alle details. Direct solliciteren? Dat kan natuurlijk ook, via onderstaande link.


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Neem contact op!OF BEL 070-387 50 00
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